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Kennedy Landscapes

Customized Research Defined by your Consulting Markets

Our Market Landscapes answer critical questions for executives leading consulting firms as wells as buyers of consulting services. These include:

  • Who are the best consulting providers in specific functional areas, client industries, or geographic regions? What innovations separate them from the competition?

  • What consulting firms are at the forefront of emerging cross-cutting markets, such as ESG and Data & Analytics?

  • What markets are showing the greatest growth opportunities for consulting services, and why? What trends are driving buying decisions?

  • Where are consulting providers making their investments to build capabilities? What are their service delivery strategies and underlying business models to support these investments?

Kennedy Buying Radar (KBR) – How do buyers evalutate and rate different consulting firms in specific markets? This research gathers insights exclusively from client-side subject-matter experts, senior executives, business unit heads, and procurement to benchmark dozens of providers any consulting market (by any combination of industry, function, geo, and role). The KBRs can also encompass cross-cutting areas like ESG and Data & Analytics. 

Provider Journey Maps – How are leading global providers and specialist firms investing in new capabilities in KBR-identified consulting markets? We track multi-year initiatives -- both internally and through M&A, JVs and Alliances -- and explain how providers are testing strategic alternatives and go-to-market strategies. This research uncovers the innovators and explains providers’ underlying engagement model, commercial approach, and branding. 

Market Size, Forecasts, Market Share – What are the consulting opportunities and trends driving services in these specific KBR consulting landscapes? The proprietary market sizing and forecasts frames the actual spend on consulting services by any combination of client industry, function, geographic area, and service delivery model. KRR's knowledge team actively tracks more than 100 consulting providers and engages with hundreds of client procurement leaders.


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